Mayor Buddy Cianci Expenses, 1999

Date Payee Explanation Amount
1499 Dorothy Devereaux office supplies reimb. 141.78
1599 Hit Enter computer services 400.00
1599 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
1599 Maria Simoes cleaning services 130.00
1599 Robert M. Lovell wages 56.39
1599 American Express political expenses 2,791.03
1599 Staples office supplies reimb. 199.87
1599 Rainone's Liquors refreshments 356.38
1599 Bell Atlantic Mobile telephone 396.18
1599 Venda Ravioli holiday gift baskets 1,715.00
1599 Fieldbrook Properties storage fee 275.00
1599 Aurora Civic Assn. political lunch meeting 97.16
1599 Capriccio political lunch meeting 100.40
1599 Gulf Travel Center auto expenses 1,598.40
1599 Joseph DePasquale office supplies reimb. 143.75
1599 Matthew Calouro professional services 150.00
1699 unknown petty cash 200.00
1899 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
1899 Joseph DePasquale wages 100.00
1799 Raymond Staffier inauguration music 330.00
11299 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
11299 Robert M. Lovell wages 56.39
11399 First Bank & Trust fed. witholding taxes 1,191.62
11399 RI Div of Taxation state withholding taxes 109.49
11399 Dorothy Devereaux accounting services 1,250.00
11399 Atomic Grill fundraiser 1,137.95
11399 Bell Atlantic Mobile telephone 54.42
11399 Gino Cicchetti repairs 75.00
11399 Finast Car Wash auto expenses 154.21
11399 Foundry Associates rent 600.00
11399 Gasbarro Brothers refreshments 801.97
11399 Gatehouse Catering fundraiser 2,320.16
11399 Rentals Unlimited fundraiser 1,094.68
11399 Providence Art Club dues 117.00
11399 Haxton's Liquors refreshments 3,346.93
11599 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
11399 Cellular One telephone 22.10
11399 Cellular One telephone 739.58
11399 Cellular One telephone 38.51
11399 Angelina Russo medical expenses 127.80
11999 U.S. Postmaster postage 500.00
11999 U.S. Postmaster postage 66.00
11999 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
12099 Crystallite Corp. City Skyline Embedments 1,900.00
12099 Gulf Travel Center auto expenses 458.20
12099 Guy Abelson Catering thank you breakfast 599.84
12099 Victoriano Gonzalez photos 125.00
12099 Pitney Bowes postage meter rental 215.07
12299 unknown petty cash 300.00
11999 Robert M. Lovell wages 56.39
12299 Artin Coloian mayor's conference advance 4,000.00
12599 Edgar Edwards fundraiser music 600.00
12699 RI Div of Taxation state withholding taxes 475.84
12699 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
12699 Robert M. Lovell wages 369.39
12699 Robert M. Lovell political expenses reimb. 353.56
12699 IRS FUTA payment 165.00
12999 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
2299 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
2299 Robert M. Lovell wages 369.39
2299 Maria Simoes cleaning services 90.00
2599 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
2999 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
2999 Robert M. Lovell wages 369.39
2999 U.S. Postmaster postage 700.00
2999 Hit Enter computer services 400.00
2999 American Express political expenses 6,340.44
2999 unknown petty cash 300.00
21099 Carol Benedetti fundraiser 200.00
21099 Angelina Russo medical expenses 538.19
21099 Angelina Russo fundraiser expenses 195.10
21099 Aurora Civic Assn. dues 50.00
21099 Aurora Civic Assn. political lunch meeting 307.24
21099 Prov. Newspaper Guild donation 380.00
21099 Bell Atlantic Mobile telephone 328.13
21099 AT&T telephone 66.22
21099 Capriccio political dinner meeting 1,108.40
21099 Check the Florist fundraiser flowers 234.35
21099 Senate Dem. Comm. political donation 200.00
21099 Vincent Cianci mayor's conference advance 2,000.00
21299 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
21199 Friends of John Harwood political donation 200.00
21299 Intermezzo fundraiser 2,000.00
21299 Joseph Levesque professional services 50.00
21699 U.S. Postmaster postage 66.00
21899 Robert M. Lovell wages 363.98
21699 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
21599 RI Div of Taxation state withholding taxes 89.41
21599 First Bank & Trust fed. witholding taxes 787.35
21699 Artin Coloian dinner meeting reimb. 107.32
21699 Poland Springs bottled water 15.95
21699 Rainone's Liquors refreshments 332.65
21699 Elizabeth Kooloian returned camp. Contribution 25.00
21699 Ferdinand Ihenacho returned camp. Contribution 65.00
21699 Joseph Pisaturo returned camp. Contribution 225.00
21699 Copy Fax copier rental 160.00
21699 Pitney Bowes postage meter rental 307.58
21699 Cellular One telephone 601.59
21699 Capriccio political dinner meeting 840.80
21699 Foundry Associates rent 600.00
21699 Finast Car Wash auto expenses 453.73
21699 Engle Tire auto expenses 315.15
21699 Pagenet pager 213.42
21699 Catering Collaborative fundraiser 1,813.71
21699 Haxton's Liquors refreshments 2,506.94
21599 Gasbarro Brothers refreshments 42.00
21699 Moto Photo photos 575.35
21699 Ross Simons political gift 218.82
21899 Senator Roney Comm. political donation 50.00
21899 Nanette Goodridge photographic expenses 200.00
21999 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
22399 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
22399 Robert M. Lovell wages 363.98
22399 Biltmore Hotel political dinner meeting 235.40
22399 Aurora Civic Assn. political dinner meeting 89.18
22399 Robert Pesce returned camp. Contribution 100.00
22399 George Delfarno returned camp. Contribution 240.00
22399 Anthony Rosciti returned camp. Contribution 275.00
22399 George Simpson returned camp. Contribution 200.00
22399 Harvey Ltd. political gift 73.15
22399 Philip Wolfe political gift 48.00
22399 Capriccio political lunch meeting 241.65
22399 Angelina Russo medical expenses 83.60
22699 unknown petty cash 300.00
22699 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
3299 Robert M. Lovell wages 363.98
3299 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
3299 Biltmore Hotel political dinner meeting 224.00
3299 Ray Staffier fundraiser music 600.00
3299 Friends of Jim Langevin political donation 125.00
3299 Cellular One telephone 474.54
3299 Foundry Associates rent 600.00
3299 Hit Enter computer services 400.00
3299 Capital Innovations marinara sauce 223.52
3299 Cogens Printing fundraiser expenses 765.05
3299 Poland Springs bottled water 9.10
3299 Bell Atlantic Mobile telephone 332.70
3299 Heritage House donation 300.00
3299 Am. Culinary Federation dues 100.00
3299 Citizens for Fogarty political donation 150.00
3399 Raymond Staffier fundraiser music 300.00
3499 Robert M. Lovell NY conference advance 400.00
3599 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
3599 Biltmore Hotel fundraiser expenses 7,500.00
3999 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
3999 Robert M. Lovell wages 363.98
3999 Angelina Russo medical expenses 104.40
3999 American Express political expenses 10,303.59
3999 St. Bartholomew's Church donation 100.00
3999 Chasens political gift 186.13
3999 Div Motor Vehicles car registration 40.00
3999 Vincent Mesolella Comm. political donation 50.00
31299 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
31699 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
31699 Robert M. Lovell wages 363.98
31599 RI Div of Taxation state withholding taxes 153.68
31599 First Bank & Trust fed. witholding taxes 1,202.09
31599 Angelina Russo office supplies reimb. 15.85
31699 U.S. Postmaster postage 66.00
31599 First Bank & Trust federal 1120 political return 9,266.00
31599 RI Div of Taxation state 1120 political return 2,558.00
31999 Market Strategies political consultants 450.18
31999 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
31999 Mediterraneo fundraiser 6,115.00
32399 Robert M. Lovell wages 363.98
32399 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
32399 unknown petty cash 300.00
32399 Capital Innovations marinara sauce 376.96
32399 RI Div of Taxation RI 1120 ES 970.00
32399 Aurora Civic Assn. dues 50.00
32399 Providence Journal subscription 221.00
32499 Fieldbrook Properties storage fee 550.00
32599 Friends of Paul Kelly political donation 200.00
32699 Joseph DePasquale wages 363.98
32699 Edward Bannister Society donation 25.00
32699 Michael Marfeo Fund donation 100.00
32699 Danoe the Clown fundraiser expenses 100.00
33099 Angelina Russo wages 100.00
33099 Robert M. Lovell wages 363.98
33099 Angelina Russo medical expenses 104.75
4299 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
4699 Cash Petty cash 300.00
4699 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
4699 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
4699 Friends of Rene Menard Political Donation 75.00
4699 Capital Innovations Marinara Sauce Donations 376.96
4799 American Equity Insur. Insurance 741.00
4799 Ital-Amer War Vets Dues 45.00
4799 Sons of Italy Foundat. Donation 10.00
4799 The Imperial Court Program Book Ad 100.00
4799 Cruz Young Children Fund Donation 100.00
4799 St. Joseph Health Serv RI Donation 200.00
4899 Hit Enter Computer Services 400.00
4999 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
41299 Frank Castle Entertain. Fundraiser Music 300.00
41399 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
41399 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
41399 First Bank & Trust Federal 941 Witholding Taxes 1,417.04
41399 RI Div. Of Taxation State 941 Witholding Taxes 182.91
41399 Staples Office Supplies 216.87
41399 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 352.91
41399 Capital Innovations Marinara Sauce Donations 198.72
41399 Nanette Goodridge Fundraiser Photos 200.00
41399 Fieldbrook Properties Storage Fee 275.00
41399 Finast Car Wash Auto Expenses 624.33
41399 American Express Various Political Expenses 8,802.28
41399 Pat Zompa Reinbursement-Office 72.46
41499 Robert M. Lovell Reinbursement-Office 298.54
41499 Dorothy Devereaux Accounting Services 1,250.00
41499 Creations by Ann Marie Fundraiser Decorations 250.00
41499 Metacomet Country Club Fundraiser Expenses 3,509.17
41699 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
41599 US Postmaster Postage 66.00
41599 US Postmaster Postage 240.00
41999 US Postmaster Postage 33.00
42099 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
42099 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
42199 Friends of Terry Hassett Political Donation 40.00
42299 Capital Innovations Marinara Sauce Donations 943.04
42299 Chasen's Political Gift 550.63
42299 Cogens Printing Printing 2,311.20
42299 Pagenet Pager 154.53
42299 Market Strategies Inc. Survey 519.52
42299 Angelina Russo Reinbursement-Fundraiser Expen 81.06
42299 University Club Political Lunch Meeting 179.23
42299 Tommy's Pizza Volunteer Food 19.40
42299 Providence Art Club Dues 142.00
42399 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
42299 Foundry Assoc. Rent 1,200.00
42299 Poland Springs Bottled Water 18.20
42299 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Rental 287.62
42299 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 315.60
42399 Cash Petty Cah 200.00
42799 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
42799 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
42799 ABC Inc. Fundraiser Ad 520.00
42999 Ray Staffier Fundraiser Music 810.00
43099 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
5599 Robert M. Lovell Reinbursement-Office Supplies 314.89
5599 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
5599 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
5599 Prov. Convention Auth. Reinbursement-Florence Advance 5,000.00
5599 RI Heritage Comm Donation 1,500.00
5599 Prov Biltmore Hotel Fundraiser Expenses 9,455.41
51099 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
51199 Robert M. Lovell Advance on New York Trip 200.00
51199 US Postmaster Postage 66.00
51199 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
51199 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
51499 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
51499 American Express Various Political Expenses 1,894.58
51499 Atomic Catering Fundraiser Expenses 1,512.67
51499 Robert M. Lovell Reinbursement-Office Supplies 79.93
51499 Angelina Russo Reinbursement-Medical Expense 427.69
51499 Integon National Auto Insurance 2,193.00
51899 Vincent A. Cianci Jr Reinbursement-Atlanta Conf. 1,583.00
51899 Robert M. Lovell Reinbursement-Flowers 62.60
51899 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Rental 1,000.00
51899 Joan Skeffington Reinbursement-Office Supplies 213.99
52199 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
51899 Friends of Charlene Lima Political Donation 70.00
52599 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
52599 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
52699 US Postmaster Postage 33.00
52999 Prov Biltmore Hotel Fundraiser Expenses 1,600.19
52899 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
6199 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
6199 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
6499 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
6899 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
6899 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
6899 Cash Petty Cash 300.00
6899 New England Av VCR Rental 508.25
6899 Raymond Staffier Fundraiser Music 570.00
6899 Hit Enter Computer Services 400.00
6899 Angelina Russo Reinbursement-Medical Expense 265.97
6899 Friends of Charles Walton Political Donation 75.00
6899 Friends of Constantino Political Donation 70.00
6899 John Celona Comm Political Donation 100.00
6899 Friends of Joanne Giannini Political Donation 70.00
6899 Friends of Abdullah Political Donation 35.00
6899 Suzanne Henseler Comm Political Donation 50.00
6899 Friends of John McCauley Political Donation 80.00
61099 Vincent A. Cianci Jr New Orleans Trip 1,500.00
61199 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
61599 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
61599 US Postmaster Postage 64.00
61599 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
51899 Hit Enter Computer Services 400.00
51899 Decision Strategies Trip Expenses 465.99
51899 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
51899 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
51899 Delux Cleaners Tuxedo Rentals 900.00
51899 Angelina Russo Reinbursement-Medical Expense 142.16
61599 Prov Biltmore Hotel Fundraiser Expenses 5,100.00
61599 Angelina Russo Reinbursement-Medical Expense 105.68
61599 RI Div. Of Taxation State 941 Witholding Taxes 307.38
61599 First Bank & Trust Federal 941 Witholding Taxes 1,218.32
61599 First Bank & Trust Federal 941 Witholding Taxes 1,218.32
61599 Copy Fax Copier Rental 320.00
61599 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 362.88
61599 Staples Office Supplies 187.68
61599 American Express Various Political Expenses 4,053.16
61599 Cogens Printing Printing 2,337.95
61599 RI Div. Of Taxation State 941 Witholding Taxes 430.52
61599 RI Div. Of Taxation State 941 Witholding Taxes 1,450.00
61899 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
62199 Cogens Printing Printing 7,619.40
62299 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
62299 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
62299 Joseph Abbate Returned Campaign Contribution 200.00
62299 John Bentz Returned Campaign Contribution 200.00
62299 Albert Berarducci Returned Campaign Contribution 200.00
62299 Irving Brodsky Returned Campaign Contribution 125.00
62299 Ralph Cataldo Returned Campaign Contribution 100.00
62299 David Cenci Returned Campaign Contribution 250.00
62299 Henry Collins Returned Campaign Contribution 750.00
62299 Terrance Crawley Returned Campaign Contribution 100.00
62299 Michael Day Returned Campaign Contribution 100.00
62299 Alan Edwards Returned Campaign Contribution 250.00
62299 Fitzgerald Himmelsbach Returned Campaign Contribution 50.00
62299 Vincenzo Iemma Returned Campaign Contribution 225.00
62299 Sherie Kaplan Returned Campaign Contribution 200.00
62299 William King Returned Campaign Contribution 225.00
62299 Thomas Krawczyk Returned Campaign Contribution 400.00
62299 Guido Laorenza Returned Campaign Contribution 150.00
62299 Richard Lupo Returned Campaign Contribution 100.00
62299 Phillippe Maatook Returned Campaign Contribution 100.00
62299 Stephen McCartney Returned Campaign Contribution 350.00
62299 Haxton's Liquors Refreshments 2,100.46
62299 Thomas Oates Returned Campaign Contribution 60.00
62299 Joseph Pannone Returned Campaign Contribution 115.00
62299 Walter McLaughlin Returned Campaign Contribution 150.00
62299 Stanley Weiss Returned Campaign Contribution 200.00
62299 George Thomas Returned Campaign Contribution 30.00
62299 Carmine Spinella Returned Campaign Contribution 100.00
62299 Peter Scotti Returned Campaign Contribution 75.00
62299 Mal Salvadore Returned Campaign Contribution 25.00
62299 Prime Source Promotions Fundraiser Expenses 1,728.00
62299 Karen Rocchio Returned Campaign Contribution 150.00
62299 James Rattigan Returned Campaign Contribution 405.00
62299 Arthur Robbins Returned Campaign Contribution 200.00
62299 John Ryan Returned Campaign Contribution 35.00
62299 Providence Journal Advertising 8,821.04
62499 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
62499 Prov Biltmore Hotel Political Dinner Meetings 426.36
62499 Rainone's Liquors Refreshments 852.75
62499 Regine Printing Co. Printing 500.00
62499 Sloan Sherman Reinbursement-Fundraiser Expen 875.10
62499 Cellular One Telephone 1,375.67
62499 Integon National Auto Insurance 164.48
62499 Lasalle Bakery Volunteer Food 32.00
62499 Loggia Vittoria Dues 24.00
62499 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 724.18
62499 Cellular One Telephone 61.75
63099 Robert M. Lovell Wages 363.98
63099 US Postmaster Postage 66.00
63099 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
62599 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
62599 Cogens Printing Printing 5,876.14
63099 RI Hospital Foundation Donation 150.00
62999 Cogens Printing Printing 2,560.33
63099 Tom D'Amico Catering Fundraiser Expenses 125.00
63099 Stuffies Bar & Grill Fundraiser Expenses 214.65
63099 Kieliszak, Eggert & Co. Accounting Services 493.50
63099 Lancelotta's Fundraiser Expenses 2,397.17
63099 National Jewish Foundat. Donation 300.00
63099 Robert Kells Committee Political Donation 50.00
63099 Democratic House Cmte Political Donation 100.00
63099 John Revens Committee Political Donation 50.00
63099 James Kelso Committee Political Donation 100.00
63099 Prov. Cranston Lodge #14 Dues 71.25
63099 Friends of William Enos Political Donation 100.00
63099 Frnds Anastasia Williams Political Donation 70.00
63099 Mediteraneo's Fundraiser Expenses 3,317.50
63099 Fieldbrook Properties Storage Fee 825.00
7699 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
7699 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
7999 Joseph DePasquale Professional Services 363.98
71399 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
71399 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
71399 Angelina Russo Medical Expenses 79.99
71399 Aurora Civic Assn Dues 600.00
71399 Cellular One Telephone 485.13
71399 Cellular One Telephone 254.13
71399 Finast Car Wash Auto Expenses 1,472.92
71399 Foundry Associates Rent 1,200.00
71399 Newll Advertising 75.00
71399 Pagenet Pager 144.35
71399 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter 287.62
71399 Prov. Art Club Dues 206.00
71399 Paul Famiglietti Professional Services 60.00
71399 Bell Funeral Home Donation: Edward Diaz 50.00
71399 Mediterraneo Fundraiser Expenses 6,875.25
71699 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
71599 Robert Lovell Mayor's Conf Trav Advance 2,000.00
71599 Cash Petty Cash 300.00
72099 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
72099 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
72099 Angelina Russo Medical Expenses 26.99
72099 Pagenet Pager 276.13
72099 Pasquale Zompa Reimb: Office Supplies 75.00
72099 Hit Enter Computer Services 400.00
72399 Dorothy Devereaux Accounting Services 1,250.00
72799 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
72799 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
72799 Arthur Coia Donation 100.00
72399 Joseph DePasquale Reimb: Office Supplies 180.00
72899 US Postmaster Postage 66.00
72999 American Express Breakdown Below See Below
  Capitol Grille Meeting 46.15
  Fairmount Hotel US Conf of Mayors 1,179.62
  Red Room New Orleans Meal 21.72
  Capitol Grille Meeting 150.44
  Capitol Grille Meeting 48.03
  Capitol Grille Meeting 34.53
  Café Nuovo Meeting 62.86
  Tran. Metaire New Orleans Conf. 376.05
  Las Vegas Hilton San Francisco Trip 119.82
  Fairmount Hotel Food 1,293.50
  Café Nuovo Meeting 86.10
8399 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
8399 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
81099 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
81099 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
81099 Angelina Russo Reimb: Medical Expenses 430.69
81399 Robert Lovell Reimb: Office Supplies 124.17
81399 Mediterraneo Inauguration Ceremony 2,834.68
81699 Hit Enter Computer Services 400.00
81799 US Postmaster Postage 66.00
81799 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
81799 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
81899 Robert Lovell Reimb: Postage 39.00
81999 Dean Coia Donation 30.00
81999 St. Bartholomew Church Donation 100.00
82099 Mike Matriaise NY Trip Driver 100.00
82599 Mediterraneo Inauguration Ceremony 2,273.49
82599 Friends of Terry Hassett Political Donation 35.00
82599 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
82599 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
82599 Cash Reimbusement: Petty Cash 278.20
83199 Shirley Borelli Reimb: Political Gift 89.50
83199 Langevin for Congress Political Donation 100.00
83199 Angelina Russo Reimb: Medical Expenses 117.68
83199 Staples Office Supplies 457.44
83199 Il Piccolo Fundraiser Expenses 700.00
83199 Fieldbrook Properties Storage Fee 275.00
83199 Aurora Civic Assn Political Dinner 388.39
83199 American Express Breakdown Below See Below
  Café Nuovo Meeting 100.69
  Café Nuovo Meeting 41.72
  Café Nuovo Meeting 124.81
  Café Nuovo Meeting 100.35
  Capitol Grille Meeting 109.02
  Capitol Grille Meeting 61.14
  Trattoria Meeting 153.15
83199 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
83199 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
83199 Hit Enter Computer Services 499.00
9399 ABC Inc Coffee Mugs 1,916.50
9799 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
9799 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
9799 ABC Inc Invitations 1,515.00
91499 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
91499 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
91499 Mediterraneo Inauguration Ceremony 4,614.62
91599 Angelina Russo Reimb: Medical Expenses 79.99
91599 Raymond Staffier Fundraiser Music 600.00
91599 Angelina Russo Reimb: Medical Expenses 117.00
91599 Cellular One Telephone 65.40
91599 Cellular One Telephone 1,730.40
91599 Rainone's Liquors Fundraiser Expenses 347.75
91599 Prov. Perf. Arts Center Inauguration Ceremony 16,582.00
91599 Tommy's Pizza Fundraiser Expenses 248.06
91599 Leon's Restaurant Fundraiser Expenses 450.00
91599 Poland Springs Bottled Water 36.40
91599 American Express Breakdown Below See Below
  Capitol Grille Meeting 86.55
  Wharf Tavern Meeting 96.68
  Café Nuovo Meeting 55.29
  Jo Jo NY Trip Food 127.71
  Plaza Hotel NY Trip Food 1,183.96
91599 Copy Fax Copier Rental 287.50
91599 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 259.73
91599 Creations by Ann Marie Fundraiser Decorations 254.13
91599 Fieldbrook Properties Storage Fee 275.00
91599 Cogens Printing Fundraiser Tickets 920.20
91599 Pagenet Pager 18.21
91599 Motophoto Film Developing 318.42
91599 Old Canteen Political Lunch 34.80
91599 US Postmaster Postage 66.00
91599 Staples Office Supplies 700.87
91599 City of Providence Fundraiser Police Detail 151.45
91599 US Postmaster Bulk Rate Permit 100.00
91599 Foundry Associates Rent 1,200.00
91599 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter 250.38
91599 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter 66.89
91599 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter 1,000.00
91599 Dorothy Devereaux Accounting Services 1,200.00
91599 Dorothy Devereaux Accounting Services 50.00
91599 Cash Petty Cash 300.00
92199 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
92199 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
92199 Kirkbrae Country Club Fundraiser Expenses 7,169.86
92299 Baystate Florists Fundraiser Decorations 128.40
92299 Raymond Staffier Fundraiser Music 625.00
92299 ABC Inc Fundraiser Expenses 1,960.00
92499 Italo American Club Donation 50.00
92899 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
92899 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
92899 Robert Lovell Reimb: Flags 119.10
10599 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
10499 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
10599 Hit Enter Computer Services 400.00
10699 Mediterraneo Florence Mayor Arrival 5,497.00
10799 Postmaster Postage 66.00
10899 GMH PAC Donation 80.00
10899 Foundry Associates Rent 600.00
10899 Poland Springs Bottled Water 16.25
10899 Brown Faculty Club Dues 315.00
10899 Providence Art Club Dues 156.00
10899 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 366.65
10899 Fieldbrook Properties Storage Fee 550.00
10899 Gatehouse Catering US Mayor's Conference 497.55
10899 Ultimate Party Rentals Providence Cast Party 1,132.06
10899 Providence Tax Collector Property Tax 104.22
101299 Postmaster Postage 99.00
101299 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
101299 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
101299 Angelina Russo Medical Expenses 77.69
101299 Prov Biltmore Hotel Fundraiser 6,375.00
101599 Prov Schls Performing Arts Donation 554.59
101999 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
101999 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
101999 RI Boccia League Donation 50.00
101999 Victoriano Gonzalez Splendor of Florence photos 275.00
101999 Staples Office Supplies 271.54
101999 Angelina Russo Medical Expenses 114.98
101999 American Express    
  Old Canteen Meeting 91.20
  Wharf Tavern Meeting 46.15
  Café Nuovo Meeting 44.01
101999 RI Shriners Donation 50.00
101999 Ross Simons Political Gift 353.14
101999 Music School Providence Cast Party 200.00
102199 Daniel Montiero Donation 500.00
102299 ABC Inc. RI Monthly layout 297.00
102299 Gino Cicchetti Piano Tuning 140.00
102699 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
102699 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
102899 Kenneth Cusson Returned Campaign Contribution 5.00
102999 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.98
102999 Thomas Krawczyk Returned Campaign Contribution 10.00
102999 RI Tax Division State 941 Witholding 515.54
102999 First Bank Federal Tax Witholding 1,473.64
102999 RI Tax Division State 941 Witholding 594.31
11299 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
11299 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
11899 Postmaster Postage 66.00
11999 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
11999 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
11999 Angelina Russo Medical Expenses 419.19
11999 Holy Ghost Church Donation 100.00
11999 Chasens Political Gift 110.75
11999 Creations by Ann Marie Fundraiser Decorations 633.98
111299 American Express    
  Capitol Grille Meeting 50.60
  Air France Florence, Italy 535.70
  Air France Flight Insurance 18.00
111299 Joseph DePasquale Wages 363.99
111699 Atomic Catering Fundraiser 1,539.59
111699 Hit Enter Computer Services 400.00
11699 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
111699 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
111699 Angelina Russo Medical Expenses 113.59
111699 Cash Petty Cash 300.00
111699 Robert Lovell Decorations 138.73
111799 Shirley Borelli Baskets 54.66
111799 Gatehouse Catering Fundraiser 5,452.43
111799 Simply Sondra Invitations 101.30
111799 Dick Lupino Music, School Bd party 175.00
111799 Prov Biltmore Hotel Fundraiser 4,400.00
111799 Motophoto Film Developing 735.72
111799 Postmaster Postage 66.00
111799 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 345.68
111799 Ann Marie Schofield Florence invitations 76.00
111799 Copy Fax Copier Rental 160.00
111799 Cogens Printing Invitations 815.55
111799 Haxton's Liquors Refreshments 506.80
111899 Foundry Associates Rent 1,200.00
111899 Brown Faculty Club Political dinner 56.18
11899 Am Speedy Printing Tickets 154.64
111899 Capital Innovations Marinara sauce for donations 1,651.80
111899 Café Nuovo US Mayor's Conference 1,791.29
112399 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
112399 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
112099 Stop & Shop Turkeys for donation 55.36
112299 Admiral's Club Dues 400.00
112299 Aurora Civic Assn Political lunch 350.00
112299 Aurora Civic Assn Political lunch 65.20
112299 Artin Coloian Political lunches 222.51
112299 ABC Inc. Christmas gifts 1,990.00
112299 Capriccio Political dinner 461.30
112299 Café Nuovo Political dinner 563.10
112299 Finast Car Wash Auto Expenses 257.85
112299 Gasbarro Brothers Refreshments 304.95
112299 Langevin for Congress Political Donation 125.00
112299 Gulf Travel Center Auto Expenses 257.85
112299 NE Audio-Visual Rental Longest Serving Mayor Day 950.00
112499 Robert Lovell Party Supplies 87.11
112499 Baptista Florists Party Decorations 374.50
112499 Leo's Party Decorations 120.00
113099 Robert Lovell Party Supplies 46.70
113099 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
113099 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
12199 Federal Reserve Fundraiser 8,748.78
12199 RI Tax Division State 941 Witholding 41.35
12199 Foundry Associates Rent 600.00
12199 Bell Atlantic Mobile Telephone 337.16
12199 Postage Reserve Acct Postage 500.00
12199 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Rental 622.54
12299 Atomic Grill Fundraiser 2,000.00
12299 Postmaster Postage 66.00
12399 Robert Lovell Party Supplies 183.79
12799 Dana Lovell Party Decorations 330.00
12799 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Rental 67.34
12599 Bob Saraceno Staff Party Music 700.00
12799 Sovan Chhouk Party Decorations 100.00
12799 Andino's Fundraiser 989.98
12799 Maria Simoes Cleaning Services 50.00
12799 Dana Lovell Party Supplies 21.40
12799 Paul Calenda Returned Campaign Contribution 100.00
12799 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
12799 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
12799 Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Rental 398.10
12799 Gatehouse Catering School Committee dinner 629.16
12799 Integon National Auto Insurance 159.00
12799 Providence Tax Collector Property tax 266.62
12899 Baystate Florists Poinsettiers 193.00
12899 Angelina Russo Medical Expenses 74.89
12899 Senator Paul Kelly Political Donation 100.00
12999 Matthew Calouro Cleaning Services 49.00
12999 ABC Inc. Christmas gifts 211.78
12999 Andrew Barlow Cleaning Services 49.00
12999 Mediterraneo Fundraiser expenses 2,870.25
12999 Prov Biltmore Hotel Fundraiser expenses 6,051.01
12999 Robert Lovell Party Supplies 46.00
121499 Pagenet Pager 269.41
121499 Joan Skeffington Office Supplies 200.00
121599 Mediterraneo Political dinner 2,500.00
121599 Robert Lovell Wages 474.63
121599 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
121599 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
121699 Robert Lovell Party Supplies 44.49
121699 Silver Lake Center Donation 55.00
121699 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
121699 Margaret Defelice Wages 100.00
121699 Capriccio Political dinner 923.00
121699 Ross Simons Political gifts 1,234.49
121699 Am Speedy Printing Tickets 50.61
121699 Haxton's Liquors Refreshments 3,211.04
121699 Cogens Printing Tickets 103.68
121699 Prov Biltmore Hotel Political lunch 168.00
121699 Tommy's Pizza Political lunch 56.00
121699 Atomic Catering Fundraiser 5,315.66
121699 American Express    
  Capriccio Meeting 101.60
  Old Canteen Meeting 207.08
  Napa Valley Grille Meeting 154.46
  Capriccio Meeting 122.40
  US Air Washington, DC 746.50
  US Air Flight Insurance 18.00
122199 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
122199 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
122199 Cash Petty Cash 300.00
122199 Maria Simoes Cleaning Services 250.00
122199 Dorothy Devereaux Accounting Services 1,000.00
122199 Daniel Mann Fundraiser Music 150.00
122399 Bob Saraceno Fundraiser Music 775.00
122399 Gino Cicchetti Professional services 75.00
122499 Carol Benedetti Professional services 100.00
122899 Robert Lovell Wages 363.98
122899 Angelina Russo Wages 100.00
122899 Bella Restaurant Fundraiser 1,897.70
122899 Boathouse Restaurant Fundraiser 600.00
122899 Joan Skeffington Christmas gifts 699.80
122899 Venda Ravioli Gift baskets 1,613.93
122899 Finast Car Wash Auto Expenses 1,613.93
122899 Fieldbrook Properties Storage fee 275.00
122999 Hit Enter Computer services 400.00
122999 Gatehouse Catering Holiday reception 2,500.00

Last Updated on 4/8/00