Providence Mayor Buddy Cianci's 1999 Campaign Contributions to and from Other Politicians

To Other Politicians:

Senate Democratic Committee, $200 (Feb. 10, 1999)

Friends of John Harwood, $200 (Feb. 11, 1999)

Senator Roney Committee, $50 (Feb. 18, 1999)

Friends of Jim Langevin, $125 (March 2, 1999)

Citizens for Fogarty, $150 (March 2, 1999)

Vincent Mesolella Committee, $50 (March 9, 1999)

Friends of Paul Kelly, $200 (March 25, 1999)

From Other Politicians:

David Igliozzi, $125 (March 5, 1999)

Robert Kells, $135 (March 4, 1999)

James Langevin, $125 (March 10, 1999)

Source: Rhode Island Board of Elections Campaign Finance Reports, 1999