Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse Contributors, 2000

 Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse Contributors, 1999

Whitehouse's Campaign Contributors, 1998

In 1998, Whitehouse received 1,394 contributions from individuals and political action committees, with an average of $337 per donation. He raised $453,216.50 and had a personal loan to the campaign of $200,000 as of December 31, 1998. He did not participate in the state's matching funds program and therefore was able to spend as much as he wanted. His overall campaign spending totaled $736,672.51 for 1998.

First File of Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse, 1998 (contributors with last name from A to F)

Second File of Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse, 1998 (contributors with last name from G to O)

Third File of Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse, 1998 (contributors with last name from P to Z, with PACs at the end)