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Bennett Says Bush Will Campaign for Him (posted March 24, 2002)
When asked if President George W. Bush would campaign for him this year, Republican gubernatorial candidate James Bennett said "I think he will." Bennett indicated on the WJAR-TV show "10 News Conference" that he had spent time visiting George and Laura Bush over the holidays and hoped Bush would come to Rhode Island and visit the Central Falls school Bush had been scheduled to see during the 2000 presidential campaign but had been forced to cancel at the last minute.
Bennett criticized the proposed gambling casino by the Narragansett Indians syaing "it is a vast transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich." However, he added that if he were governor and a measure to place it on the ballot came before him, "I would let it go for a vote."
Bennett also noted that he agreed with the continuing phase-out of the property tax on cars and that he doesn't carry a firearm. When asked if he would accept National Rifle Association money, he said he hadn't accepted any such money yet, but that he and his campaign team "haven't made a decision on that" in terms of any future contributions.
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