Coalition Against Domestic Violence Director Deb DeBare critized current efforts in the Rhode Island General Assembly to liberalize expungement rules. Appearing on the WPRI-TV show "Newsmakers" with Jack White and Scott MacKay, DeBare said expungement was "a huge problem." She pointed out that "domestic violence is a crime where there is a pattern of repeated behavior....One of the best tools for judges is past violations....We are sick and tired of defendants getting a fine because their records have been expunged." Lawmakers are considering a bill that would reduce the amount of time for which a convicted person would have to wait (from 10 to 5 years) before being eligible to apply for expungement. The proposal has passed the Senate by a vote of 24 to 12 and is awaiting action in the House. Governor Donald Carcieri has indicated he would consider vetoing the bill if it reaches his desk. |