Governor Don Carcieri is complaining vociferously about the new budget being proposed by the Rhode Island House of Representatives. The governor appeared today on the WPRI-TV show "Newsmakers" with Jack White and Scott MacKay. Speaking of the budget that ignores many of his own recommendations for having state employees pay a greater share of their pensions and health care premiums, Carcieri said the compensation package for state employees is "not just the real world." The state is assuming an "unrealistic" rate of return in its pension planning, the governor noted. "It is a question of what is affordable and fair," he said. Carcieri called the House's plan to increase funding for public schools "flawed". The governor said that what was driving up taxes around the state was the school budget and its generous expenditures for compensation and special education. The governor criticized the House's decision to reduce but not eliminate a $15 million subsidy for dog owners at Lincoln Park, and said the continuing subsidy was an example of "gold-plated Alpo." Carcieri echoed these comments the next day on the WJAR-TV show "10 News Conference". He expressed surprise at how strong unions were in the General Assembly and dismay at the legislature's disinterest in pension reform. In addition, he criticized efforts to use state money to develop hotels around the Convention Center. "I don't want to see us go further into hotel development and ownership," he said. "Most hotels around the country are owned by private investors." |