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WLNE-TV Election Poll Results, August, 2002 (posted August 16, 2002)

This week, WLNE-TV released the following election poll results taken August 12-15 by Survey USA of Verona, New Jersey:

Democratic Gubernatorial Primary: 44% York, 37% Whitehouse, 12% Pires, and 7% undecided (sample of 650 registered Democrats with margin of error of +/- 4%)

Republican Gubernatorial Primary: 51% Carcieri, 31% Bennett, 18% undecided (sample of 407 registered Republicans with margin of error of +/- 5%)

Democratic Mayorial Primary in Providence: 41% Cicilline, 33% Paolino, 15% Igliozzi, 4% McKenna, 7% undecided (sample of 513 registered Democrats with margin of error of +/- 4.5%)

Copyright 2000Karen Martin Media Services