Taubman Center for Public Policy Survey


Ciccilline Leads Harrop by Wide Margin in Providence Mayor’s Race


A citywide survey of 403 Providence residents conducted October 14-17, 2006 also finds 62 percent think Mayor Cicilline is doing a good job and 64 percent feel the city is headed in the right direction.  

PROVIDENCE, R.I. Providence Mayor David Cicilline leads his Republican opponent Daniel Harrop by 66 to 13 percent with 21 percent undecided, according to a new citywide survey conducted by researchers at Brown University. 

The survey was conducted October 14-17, 2006, at Brown University by Darrell M. West, director of the Taubman Center for Public Policy and the John Hazen White Sr. Public Opinion Laboratory, and Marion Orr, the Frederick Lippitt Chair of Public Policy, Political Science, and Urban Studies. It is based on a citywide random sample of 403 Providence residents. Overall, the poll had a margin of error of about plus or minus 5 percentage points.  The election question is based on the 317 voters who said they were very likely to vote in this November’s election.  The likely voter part of the sample had a margin of error of about plus or minus 6 percentage points

Sixty-four percent believe the city is headed in the right direction, while 23 percent think it is off on the wrong track.  Sixty-two percent believe that Mayor Cicilline is doing a good job handling his position, while 21 percent rate him only fair, and six percent say he is doing a poor job.   

This survey was undertaken in conjunction with the 7th annual Thomas J. Anton/Frederick Lippitt Urban Affairs conference on “Sex and the City”.  Scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday, October 24 at Leung Gallery in Faunce House on the Campus Green, this year’s conference examines the moral, economic, and regulatory aspects of the city’s adult entertainment industry.


Forty-six percent of city residents think there are too many adult entertainment clubs in Providence, while 24 percent feel the city has the right number, and 4 percent believe there are too few adult entertainment clubs in Providence. 


Fifty-seven percent believe the adult entertainment industry gives the city a negative reputation, 54 percent think that it contributes to crime, 40 percent believe it keeps businesses from locating here, and 39 percent feel it encourages young families with children to move out of the city.


When asked what they think the city should do about adult entertainment, 10 percent say the industry should be outlawed, 65 percent feel the industry should be regulated by government, and 14 percent think the industry should be allowed to operate openly.


Eighty-one percent feel adult entertainment should be restricted to certain parts of the city, 57 percent believe that zoning rules restricting adult entertainment need to be strengthened, 53 percent support adding a 25 percent adult entertainment club tax, and 34 percent favor unannounced police raids on these establishments.


Nine percent believe adult entertainment clubs make a very important contribution to the local economy, 25 percent say its economic contribution is somewhat important, and 52 percent believe its contribution to the local economy is not very important.


Thirty-six percent say they are very worried about sexual permissiveness in society, 30 percent are somewhat worried, and 28 percent are not very worried. 



Further information on the survey can be found online at www.InsidePolitics.org.  For more information, contact Darrell M. West at (401) 863-1163.

Survey Questions and Responses

In the race for mayor of Providence, if the election were held today, would you vote for:  13% Republican Daniel Harrop,  66% Democrat David Cicilline, 21% don’t know or no answer (based on 317 likely city voters)


How would you rate the job David Cicilline is doing as mayor of Providence?  19% excellent, 43% good,  21% only fair, 6% poor, 11% don't know or no answer


Generally speaking, would you say things in Providence:  64% are going in the right direction, 23% have they gotten off on the wrong track, 13% don’t know or no answer


We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days.  Would you say that you (and your family living there) are:  36% better off, 33% worse off financially than you were a year ago, 31% don't know or no answer


Now looking ahead--do you think that a year from now you (and your family living there) will be:  29% better off financially, 11% worse off, 46% just about the same as now, 14% don't know or no answer


Now turning to business conditions in the city of Providence as a whole--do you think that during the next twelve months we'll have:  41% good times financially, 26% bad times, 33% don't know or no answer


Looking ahead, which would you say is more likely--that in the city as a whole:  38% we'll have continuous good times during the next five years or so, 32% that we will have periods of widespread unemployment or depression, or what,  30% don't know or no answer 


About the big things people buy for their homes--such as furniture, a refrigerator, stove, television, and things like that.  Generally speaking, do you think now is a:  47% good time, 25% bad time for people to buy major household items, 28% don't know or no answer


Do you think that people today have a strong sense of right and wrong? 42% yes, 47% no, 11% don’t know or no answer


How worried are you about sexual permissiveness in society?  36% very worried, 30% somewhat worried, 28% not very worried, 6% don’t know or no answer


Does sexual content in entertainment shows bother you:  28% a lot, 34% some, 35% not at all, 3% don’t know or no answer


How aggressive should the city of Providence be in attempting to attract new businesses to the area?  63% very aggressive, 27% somewhat aggressive, 5% not very aggressive, 5% don’t know or no answer


Do you think the city of Providence should allow businesses such as the adult entertainment industry to operate? 36% yes, 51% no, 13% don’t know or no answer


Even if you personally oppose the establishment of adult entertainment clubs, how important of a contribution do you think they make to the local economy:  9% very important, 25% somewhat important, 52% not very important, 14% don’t know or no answer


Do you think Providence has: 46% too many, 24% about the right number, 4% too few adult entertainment clubs, 26% don’t know or no answer


Do you:  23% strongly agree, 31% agree, 27% disagree, 8% strongly disagree that the presence of an adult entertainment industry in Providence contributes to crime, 11% don’t know or no answer


Do you :   28% strongly agree,  29% agree,  25% disagree,  6% strongly disagree that the presence of an adult entertainment industry in Providence gives the city a negative reputation, 12% don’t know or no answer


Do you:   14% strongly agree, 26% agree, 32% disagree, 9% strongly disagree that the presence of an adult entertainment industry in Providence keeps business from locating here, 19% don’t know or no answer


Do you:  15% strongly agree, 24% agree, 36% disagree, 9% strongly disagree that the presence of an adult entertainment industry in Providence encourages young families with children to move out of the city,  16% don’t know or no answer


Which statement best summarizes your view of the adult entertainment industry?  10% the government should outlaw the industry, 65% the government should regulate the industry, 14% the government should allow the industry to operate openly, 11% don’t know or no answer


Do you think the adult entertainment industry should be:  7% allowed to operate wherever it wants,  81% restricted to certain parts of the city, 12% don’t know or no answer


Do you think Providence zoning rules restricting adult entertainment need to be strengthened?  57% yes, 14% no, 29% don’t know or no answer


Would you:  53% support, 30% oppose adding a 25 percent tax on adult entertainment clubs, 17% don’t know or no answer


Do you think the city of Providence should reallocate some of its existing funds to conduct unannounced raids on adult entertainment clubs?   34% yes,  42% no, 24% don’t know or no answer